This year FVRTC will be holding two CKC-sanctioned events. We are excited to be planning a spring Field Trial and summer Hunt Test. In addition we are holding monthly training days leading up to these events. Training day schedule: October 21 November 12 December 9 January 13 February 10 March 24 April 13 Spring Field […]
2023 Events!
This year FVRTC will be holding two CKC-sanctioned events. We are excited to be planning a spring Field Trial and summer Hunt Test. In addition we are holding monthly training days leading up to these events. Training day schedule: October 23 November 26 December 18 January 14 February 19 March 25 April 16 Spring Field […]
2022 Events!
This year FVRTC will be holding four CKC-sanctioned events. We are excited to be planning a spring Field Trial and Hunt Test as well as a Fall Field Trial and Hunt Test. In addition we are holding monthly training days leading up to these events. Training day schedule: January 15 February 19 March 26 April […]
Fraser Valley Retriever Training Club Bylaws
FVRTC Bylaws Current
Fraser Valley Retriever Training Club Rules
The following protocol governs the privilege of training on Fraser Valley Retriever Training Club grounds.
Fraser Valley Retriever Training Club Constitution
Fraser Valley Retriever Training Club Constitution