Retriever training in the Fraser Valley
The Fraser Valley Retriever Training Club was formed to provide a wetland location to hold CKC retriever events as well as support retriever training and encourage participation in CKC hunt test and field trial events.
The training of field retrievers is complex, time-consuming and difficult to do alone. The club membership is a community of trainers with a range of skill levels focused on both field trials and hunt tests. The club aims to hold regular training days where members can meet up and run dogs within the structure of a training setup involving marks and blinds on land and/or water. Members are also able to meet up and utilize the grounds on an ad hoc basis for their own practice and training.
The Fraser Valley Retriever Training Club also aims to facilitate the acquisition of or access to wetland areas for the purposes of training retrievers, and to increase the participant base in the sport through promotion of training events. FVRTC regularly holds CKC accredited field trials, hunt tests and working certificate events.